Talk about an over achiever – The once art professor at the Visual School of Arts in Manhattan, Satre Stuelke is now a third year medical student. (This about as ambitious as my goal to learn fifty million languages before my the end of my existence - particulary Latin...) While up to his elbows in his med school responsibilities (no pun intended, *snicker*) Stuelke has developed a new and seemingly interesting strategy (and recently questionable) art form using a CT scanner. Stuelk scans items rarely thought of as ineresting or beuatiful, and color codes the different densities of each object. His most noted work thus far has involved toys, food, and electronics. He inclines his viewers to “diagnose cultural objects, finding ominous or surprising details within them.” (Love that!)
What was it that my Mother always cited to me when I came home upset about a jerk, "beauty is only skin deep, dear." How cool would it be if there were a magic tool such as this, that scans a person and ultimately reveals their “inner beauty” – Shallow Hal style. The cruel eye candy across the globe wouldn’t be able to hide behind all that jazz. (Not that beautiful correlates with malice, nor does cruelty require attractiveness… but for some reason it is this vain type that irks me more than the other varities) What would “ass hole” or “vindictive” look like, anyway? Thinking outside of the Hollywood idea of pretty+cruel= indisputable ugliness with the Hal-vision set to ‘on’… but maybe really crazy creepy visuals, like death and gross and bleh and… yyeeeaa. Yea that would be interesting, eh? This is where I put down my 3rd cup of coffee, refrain from even trying to proof read this, and attempt to return to the sea of “study” I was drowning in before my article break.
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