Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Narcissism Epidemic

This is an AMAAAAZING article - empowering to all ladies. Perhaps even to that handful of charismatic Y-chromosomes out there worried about their sisters and future daughters.

Coincidentally, I have been working on a similar idea for an outside class. This stole all kinds of my thunder. But, it is written better than what I would have come up with - even if it is written in complex form with "deep" vocabulary.. (that, Mr. Wascovich, is for you... ahem.) It is discussing the narcissism epidemic that has blanketed the youth, and how everyone is so focused on being "special" at whatever cost, and in turn cheapening the meaning of whatever special is all together.

Growing up, my literary heroines were those who, like me, struggled to be good. A strong-willed (and loud) child, I craved examples of unruly knuckleheads tethered to a loving family that encouraged us to be our best selves despite our natural inclinations. Precocious but naive, I thought of myself as an ugly duckling—misunderstood in my youth but destined for a beauty and stature completely impossible for my loved ones to comprehend. I shudder to think what a monster I would have become in the modern child-rearing era. Gorged on a diet of grade inflation, constant praise and materialistic entitlement, I probably would have succumbed to a life of heedless self- indulgence.

Perhaps, one day, we will say that the recession saved us from a parenting ethos that churns out ego-addled spoiled brats. And though it is too soon to tell if our economic free fall will cure America of its sense of economic privilege, it has made it much harder to get the money together to give our kids six-figure sweet-16 parties and plastic surgery for graduation presents, all in the name of "self esteem." And that's a good thing, because as Jean Twenge and W. Keith Campbell point out in their excellent book "The Narcissism Epidemic," released last week, we've built up the confidence of our kids, but in that process, we've created a generation of hot-house flowers puffed with a disproportionate sense of self-worth (the definition of narcissism) and without the resiliency skills they need when Mommy and Daddy can't fix something.

Indeed, when Twenge addressed students at Southern Connecticut State University a couple weeks back, their generation's narcissism was taken as a given by her audience. The fact that nearly 10 percent of 20-somethings have already experienced symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder, compared with just over 3 percent of the 65-and-over set? Not surprising. That 30 percent of college students agree with the statement: "If I show up to every class, I deserve at least a B"? Didn't get much of a rise either. When they're faced with the straight-out question—do you agree with this research, that you guys are the most narcissistic generation ever—there are uniform head nods and knowing grins to each other. "At the end of the day I love me and I don't think that's wrong," says Sharise Tucker, a 21-year-old senior at Southern Connecticut State, a self-professed narcissist. "I don't think it's a problem, having most people love themselves. I love me."

But as Twenge goes on to illustrate, all that narcissism is a problem that can range from the discourteous—residential advisers at Southern lament students disregarding curfews, playing dance music until 3 a.m., demanding new room assignments at a moment's notice and failing to understand why professors won't let them make up an exam they were too hung over to take—to the disastrous—failed marriages, abusive working environments and billion-dollar Ponzi schemes. Seems that the flip side of all that confidence isn't prodigious success but antisocial behavior.

Armed with a steady influx of trophies just for showing up, "I Am Special" coloring books and princess parties, it is hard for kids to understand why an abundance of ego might be bad for them. Hot off their own rebellions in the late '60s, my parents struggled to give me the freedom to be me while also teaching me generosity, compassion and humility. I didn't make it easy on them. I was the kind of kid who threatened to drink Drano if asked to load the dishwasher. "Don't get cocky, kid," was the response from my dad when I declared my grades too good for my behavior to be monitored. "Pretty girls are a dime a dozen," my mother would remind me when I came up with the brilliant idea that school was getting in the way of my social life. My mom would also trot out fables to keep me in check. Ever read the original ending to Cinderella? The evil stepsisters get their eyes plucked out by pigeons and end up beggars. But it worked, mostly, and "Don't believe your own bulls––t" became my mantra. Of course, I still hate to be told what to do, dislike following rules and will waste hours trying to get out of the simplest household task; but hey, I'm a work in progress.

But no matter how you were raised, the handiest cure for narcissism used to be life. Whether through fate, circumstances or moral imperative, our culture kept hubris in check. Now, we encourage it. Pastors preach of a Jesus that wants us to be rich. The famously egocentric wide receiver Terrell Owens declares at a press conference that being labeled selfish is fine with him. Donald Trump names everything he owns after himself and calls his detractors "losers." We live in a world where everyone can be a star—if only on YouTube. The general sense among students on that New Haven campus is that with the world being such a competitive, cutthroat place, they have to be narcissists. Well, you may need a supersize ego to win "America's Next Top Model" or to justify your multimillion dollar bonus. But last I checked, most of our lives don't require all that attitude. Treating the whole world as if it works for you doesn't suggest you're special, it means you're an ass. As an antidote to a skyrocketing self-worth, Twenge recommends humility, evaluating yourself more accurately, mindfulness and putting others first. Such values may seem quaint, maybe even self-defeating, to those of us who think we're special, but trust me: it gets easier with practice.

Monday, April 20, 2009

HIV flop

So for those of you who caught it from previous blogs, I get pretty passionate during conversation concerning out war soldiers and veterans. This hit home for two reasons, one because my Dad is among the veterans and my brother is about to venture into the borders of Kabul and Pakistan so these things catch my eye... and two because just this morning I found out that my photo made the olympus america photo contest finals... and they are directly involved in the incident...

Three patients exposed to contaminated medical equipment at Veterans Affairs hospitals have tested positive for HIV, the agency said Friday.

The three cases included one positive HIV test reported earlier this month, but the VA didn’t identify the facility involved at the time.

The patients are among more than 10,000 getting tested because they were treated with endoscopic equipment that wasn’t properly sterilized and exposed them to other people’s bodily fluids... wow. That is devastating...

Vietnam veteran Samuel Mendes, 60, said he was surprised to learn of an HIV case linked to the Miami facility, where he had a colonoscopy. He was told he wasn’t among those at risk.

“I was hoping and expecting to not get anyone contaminated like that,” he said. “It’s probably a little worse than we thought.”

The VA also said there have been six positive tests for the hepatitis B virus and 19 positive tests for hepatitis C at the three locations.

There’s no way to prove patients were exposed to the viruses at its facilities, so says the agency...

“These are not necessarily linked to any endoscopy issues from out facilities and the evaluation continues,” the statement said.How many endoscopies would these patients get at one time? Are you kidding me?!

The VA has said it does not yet know if veterans treated with the same kind of equipment at its other 150 hospitals may have been exposed to the same mistake before the department had a nationwide safety training campaign.

An agency spokeswoman has said the mistake with the equipment was corrected nationwide by the time the campaign ended March 14. The problems discovered in December date back more than five years at the Murfreesboro and Miami hospitals.

The VA’s disclosure Friday was the department’s first comment since April 3, when the VA reported the one positive HIV test.

VA spokeswoman Katie Roberts has declined to provide any details on how widespread the problems might have been other than saying a review of the situation continues.

She said in an e-mail Friday that “there is a very small risk of harm to patients from the procedures at each site.” She said the HIV results “still need to be verified” in additional tests.

The VA statement shows the number of “potentially affected” patients totals 10,797, including 6,387 who had colonoscopies at Murfreesboro, 3,341 who had colonoscopies at Miami and 1,069 who were treated at the ear, nose and throat clinic at Augusta.

More than 5,400 patients, about half of those at risk, have been notified of their follow-up test results, the VA said.

The Friday statement said the VA is “continuing to notify individuals whose letters have been returned as undeliverable, and working with homeless coordinators to reach veterans with no known home address.”

The statement also said the VA has assigned more than 100 employees at the three locations to “ensure that affected veterans receive prompt testing and appropriate counseling.”

All three sites used endoscopic equipment made by Olympus American Inc., which has said in a statement it is helping the VA address problems with “inadvertently neglecting to appropriately reprocess a specific auxiliary water tube.”..holy crap. I just made finals in their contest... hmmmm. Ironic.

Charles Rollins, 62, who served three tours in Vietnam with the Navy from 1966 to 1969, said the news concerns him because he’s used the Augusta ear, nose and throat clinic several times.

“That’s terrible,” he said by phone as he socialized at an American Legion post in Augusta.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

they published what?

So I decided to venture away from the normal New York Times news, and thought I would see what local newspapers are publishing. Then, I was reminded why I don't read the News Telegram....

"Massive stuffed gorilla flies out of truck"

John Bray is looking for the person who lost a massive gorilla on Blatnik Bridge in Duluth.

Bray says he was driving across the bridge Thursday afternoon when a huge stuffed brown stuffed animal flew off the truck in front of him. Bray says it flew up 50 feet and came down in the middle of the road.

He says he pulled over and traffic stopped. He then shoved it into the back of his sports utility vehicle and brought it to his office. He's a spokesman for the Department of Transportation.

Bray says it was a funny incident but someone could have been seriously hurt. He says the driver is required by law to have a load tied down, but he or she won't get a ticket.

Yea. It made the paper. yyyeeEEEEEHHHAAAaawwww!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Obama what?

While Obama was in Strasbourg, France, on the eve of a Nato summit meeting there, he was also up for two British Book Awards in London. On Friday his “Dreams From My Father” took the biography prize, but he lost author of the year — he had been shortlisted for “The Audacity of Hope” — to Aravind Adiga for his novel “The White Tiger,” which also won the Man Booker Prize last year. Other British Book Award winners included Kate Summerscale for her mystery “The Suspicions of Mr. Whicher: A Shocking Murder and the Undoing of a Great Victorian Detective,” best nonfiction book and book of the year; and Stephenie Meyer, for her “Twilight” series book “Breaking Dawn,” children’s book of the year.
I wonder how much he wrote himself, in all seriousness. It would be nice to know that during all of his shenanigans he had time to write it…
I also would love to know how much this award was weighed on the actual word of, as my dad calls him, Obie.

attack of the clones..

a day in the life of me....

half of it anyway.

Self struggles:
Do I take it or dish it back? Do I let it out or hold it in? Major inner struggles for the majority of mankind - emotional ventilation, sexual frustration, introverted vs extroverted anger, coping by giving in or coping by pretending it’s okay… a few of many.
So the question is...are you in pink, or are you in black? And are you happy being that color?

Wish my thumb drive asn't such a jerk - I had to convert the files to jpeg so it would read at the print shop. It muttled up the images a bit, lost alot of detail. Gotta do what ya gotta do I suppose... *grunt*